
Monday 25 February 2019

Glen Innes School Vision


Responsibility /by being friendly and socially responsible,
and including others in games and conversations.
Effort/ We're expending more effort than the result is worth
Ako/giving a person to learn as much as you.
Just like ako which is preferring as learn.
Commitment/Helping others and many
more things referring to what commitment is.
Honesty/ This value is more like giving
your all and just like telling others your true color.

Friday 15 February 2019

Solving Word Problems

  1. In Glen Innes school there are 84 boys and 89 girls.Find the number of students Glen Innes School.84+89= 173
  168 + 5 =
  1. A shopkeeper bought 245 eggs and sold 78 eggs. How many eggs were left unsold? 245-78=167
  1. Dora got $325 from her father and $89 from her mother. How much money does she have now?325+89=414
  1. Gary played a car game and scored 453 points in first round and 173 points in second round. The game was over after the second round. How many points did he have at the end of the game?453 + 173 = 626    450+170=
  1. An animal care society tested 356 pet animals. 229 were infected by diseases. Find the number of healthy pet animals that participated in the medical tests.356 - 229=127
  1. In an annual celebration, 674 students participated. Of them, 397 were boys. Find the number of girls who participated.674-397=277

7.There are 2236 lions and 5987 tigers in a forest.
These are the only wild animals in the forest. Find the total number of wild animals in the forest.2236+4=2240

8.Mark has a book which contains 6644 pages.
He has already read 2979 pages. How many pages are unread?6644-2979
9.In a public telephone booth, 243 calls are made before noon and
389 calls are made after noon. Find number of calls made in a day. 243+389
        243 + 7 = 250
        389 + 250 =
        639 - 7 = 632

10.Director James directed a film which ran for 248 minutes.
During the editing process, 109 minutes were removed. What is the final running time of the film, after editing?
248 - 8 = 240
109 - 240 =
131 + 8 = 139